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Experts suggest speedy trial and application of HAS in NCP

2023-12-14 09:42:26 225

Experts suggest speedy trial and application of superantigen Gaojusheng Jinpushu (known as HAS)in novel coronavirus patients (NCP)

Recently, China has started the urgent clinical trials of Remdesiviv GS-5734, a novel anti-virus drug developed by Gilead Sciences, Inc of the United States.  The first batch of 761 patients were enrolled and grouped (308 patients in the light and medium symptom groups respectively, 453 patients in the severity group). The tests will be carried out randomly in a double-blind basis to evaluate the efficacy and safety of this drug. The clinical trials were officially initiated in the afternoon of Feb 5 and are expected to continue until Apr 27th when the effectiveness or not can be disclosed.     

It is learned that Remdesivir (GS-5734), a nucleoside analogue originally used to treat Ebola virus but failed, has recently played a role in the treatment of novel coronavirus. The United States has used it in curing a pneumonia patient infected with 2019-nCoV. For this reason, many people in China regarded Remdesivir as an effective drug for new coronavirus pneumonia.

Under the grim situation, many Chinese medical and pharmaceutical experts and scholars are unanimously calling for the quickest trial use of China's unique superantigen (SAg) biodrug, Gaojusheng Jinpushu (HAS, Highly Agglutinative Staphylococcin), in the prevention and treatment of the current new coronavirus epidemic. They are Professor Li Kang former president of the First Military Medical University, Professor Dong Baowei former chief physician of Beijing 301 Hospital and chief healthcare expert of the Chinese central government officials, Academician Cho Tak Wesely of the Royal College of Internal Medicine, Dr. Fan Shibin vice president of the Chinese Medical Association, Mr. Sun Gexin Vice President of the China Association for International Health Exchange, Academician Chen Naizhi of the American College of Internal Medicine, Professor Li Gang of the School of Medicine of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Zeng Xiaofei, deputy director of the expert group of the China Nutrition Alliance, and Professor Chen Juyu, inventor of the superantigen drug, to name a few.  HAS is a superantigen-based biodrug preparation produced by Xiehe Biological Group, which is used in the treatment of tumors and bone diseases. Its mechanisms of action include directly killing mutant cells and cancer cells, releasing perforins and granzymes to kill target cells and activating immune T cells potently.


During the 2003 SARS epidemic, the late national first-class researcher, former member of the new drug evaluation committee of the Ministry of Health and chairman of the Professional Committee of Bacteria and Toxins , Mr. Chen tingzuo, a leading biomedical scientist in China, recommended the drug to be used in Xiaotangshan Hospital for the prevention and treatment of SARS and brilliant results were achieved. In the next 10 years follow-up investigations on patients administered with Gaojusheng ,no cases of sequela were reported .


Mr. Chen Tingzuo said, "in view of the unique mechanisms of superantigen (SAg) products applied in cancer and viral infection, I suggest priority should be given to the trial use of Gaojusheng Jinpushu (HAS) , a preparation with superantigen as its main active ingredient, in the prevention and treatment of atypical pneumonia. " He also said that many viral diseases involved T-cell immunity. Gaojusheng Jinpushu (HAS) is the first clinically used superantigen drug. This superantigen has potent activation ability to human T-cells, which is 2,000-50,000 times of common antigens such as ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, cordyceps sinensis, etc. It is considered the most powerful substance in regulating immunity and is accredited as "king of immunity".


As early as 1996 after the national new drug evaluation, Gaojusheng Jinpushu (HAS) was approved by the Ministry of Health as a ClassⅠbiological preparation used in clinical treatments . He pointed out that since it has been marketed for years, its safety and effectiveness are beyond any doubts.


After the outbreak of Ebola virus in Africa in 2014, Superantigen Gaojusheng Jinpushu (HAS) rushed to the hardest hit Republic of Sierra Leone for emergency assistance.  ;In the Note Verbale from Ministry of foreign affairs of Sierra Leone to its Chinese counterpart, the drug is praised as “playing a key role in controlling the spread of Ebola virus" .

In 2008, at the suggestion of Liaoning Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xiehe Biological Group began to donate aid to 58 HIV-infected people in Jianchang County of Liaoning Province. Through the treatment of Gaojusheng Jinpushu (HAS) , only one patient died of non-AIDS-related   death so far, and all other patients have survived for more than 10 years and have resumed to normal life.

Professor Dong Baowei, a well-known oncologist in Beijing 301 Hospital, is the founder of ultrasound-guided microwave ablation therapy for liver cancer. In order to solve the problems of recurrence and high mortality after cancer inactivation, he once screened the "most powerful" immunity enhancing products worldwide for patients, and finally focused on superantigen Gaojusheng Jinpushu (HAS). Since 1999, he has used the drug in clinical treatment of cancer patients to improve their immunity for 15 years, and has conducted a large number of comparative experiments, which pulled back countless lives from the hands of death and confirmed the remarkable role of superantigen in improving human immune function.

In facing the present coronavirus epidemic, Xiehe Biological Group once again assumes its responsibility of serving the country and repaying the society. On Jan 29 and Feb 3 respectively, through Hubei Charity Federation and the Guangdong Zhong Nanshan Medical Foundation, the superantigen Gaojusheng Jinpushu (HAS) was donated twice in a row to places where the epidemic occurred, such as Wuhan in Hubei Province. Some newly nCoV infected people have changed for the better and resumed normal life within a short time after using the drug.

The critically ill patient Qin (male, 67 years old, who lives in Rouge Mountain Garden, 118 Sandao Street, Wuchang, Wuhan City) developed the disease on Jan 23 and the fever persisted until Jan 29, reaching the dangerous edge of no water intake. On Jan 31 he had a difficult time in respiration and his temperature was 40℃.  His life was in danger. In the evening of Feb 1, the patient took 2 vials of Gaojusheng orally, another 2 vials in the morning of Feb 2 and another 2 vials before sleeping in the evening. Miracles began to happen in less than 30 hours after administration. The patient's temperature dropped, his spirit improved, and he began to want to eat! In the afternoon of Feb 3, the patient's nucleic acid test was negative after taking the medicine for two days. After that, the patient improved continuously with the consecutive drug use. By Feb 6, the patient was able to cook and have basically recovered to normal.

The mild case patient Ding (male, 40 years old, living in Baileijing Phase  community, Wuchang district, Wuhan city, Hubei province), suffered from mild and continuous fever since Jan 26. During that period, he took Lianhua qingwen Capsules, oseltamivir and other drugs without turning better. On February 2, oral administration of superantigen Gaojusheng was started. Two vials were taken respectively in the morning and evening for 3 days. Consequently, the fever dropped to normal, appetite was greatly increased, and life has returned totally to normal.


Medical practices, no matter in the past SARS, Ebola and HIV infected patients or in the current treatment of a small number of novel coronavirus infected patients, tell us that the superantigen Gaojusheng Jinpushu (HAS), unique in China, is worthy of clinical screening tests in the current treatment of virus infected patients.

Its advantages are:
First, it is a drug that has been approved by Chinese FDA and used clinically for more than 20 years. It is safe and effective without side effects to worry about. Second, the mechanisms of superantigen are scientifically proven and it has strong dual regulation of immune function. Third, there are medical practices against SARS, Ebola and HIV viruses, with definite results. Fourth, outstanding curative effects have been shown in the treatment of some people infected with noval coronavirus.